Posture assessment: Rude-Cash-4643

Assessment context and image originals from this thread:

Posture assessment


Hey mate, here is my point of view to consider:

Green plumb line has been adjusted perpendicular to the level of the floor (along the bottom of the bed).

Feet in a wrong position. The blue outsteps should be parallel, not converging at back.

Ankles released (not in full extension)

Knees released too far forward (again, not in full extension)

Lower torso (Pelvis) rotating anteriorly. Sacrum (green spot) being lifted too high, the iliac (blue spot at waist) anterior superior iliac spine) pushed forward and down.
The white arrows at the pelvis area show the rotation, on this image seen as clockwise.

Upper torso (ribcage) rotating backwards at the top. The bottom of the ribcage is being pushed forwards. This is the exact opposite rotation to the pelvic one. This rotation could be referred to as anticlockwise as seen on image. The yellow line is your sternum and shows the slope of the whole ribcage.

These two opposing rotations of the pelvis and the torso is what shapes your spine into the shape of the red curve. You would like to ideally rotate the two major parts in the reverse directions to obtain straight spine and legthening and widening of the torso.

The blue marks (ankles, knees, iliacs, bottom and top sternum) should ideally all be on the green line in order to achieve correct functioning of your mechanism.

In other words, you would need to learn to move the different parts of your mechanism in a different way to what you are used to now.

I can help you with that if you like.