Posture assessment: TeamMKE95_2

Posture assessment


Your feet are not quite well placed for standing. Currently, the outsteps (the blue lines at the outside of your feet) are converging at the back. We would want these lines to be parallel. That is toes closer together.

Your knees are released too far forward, they are not in full extension.

he blue rectangle is your pelvis. It is seen on the image rotating in the direction of the arrow (clockwise as seen on the right side view). There is few ways to measure that. First, your iliacs (anterior superior iliac spines) that is the blue dots at waist height are too far forward and down.

The other way to think of it is that your sacrum (green dot) is lifting too high up. Since both of these spots are on the same bone, pelvis, they will move together. In your case, its the APT.

There is another object of your torso. Your ribcage. Looks like this object is rotating in exactly the opposite direction to the pelvis. That is "counterclockwise", bringing the top of your sternum backwards in relation to the bottom of your sternum. The yellow line is your sternum.

So what happens is that when you rotate your pelvis one way and then your ribcage on top of the pelvis the other way, you get a shape of your spine (that is inbetween) that looks like the red curved arch. That is shortening and narrowing of your torso. Not good.

Your upper arm assembly is retracted too far back, and so is your head.

If we look at the left and right imbalances, best is probably to use the posterior view:

You have a tendency to place your left foot forward to the right. This then repeats higher up - so your left knee forward to right, left hip forward to right. But, in order to satisfy your equilibrium, you have to compensate for this.

You do that by retracting the left shoulder further back. That is why the left shoulder / elbow are always higher to your right.

Your current situation means that the mechanism of your body isn't functioning properly. That's also why you have pain / discomfort.

This kind of stuff is exactly what Initial Alexander Technique deals with. You can learn to change your posture and its probably something you would want to do.