Posture assessment: burnout3402

Assessment context and image originals from this thread:


Posture assessment


Pretty standard situation we see here.

I have written it many times before, I think I should make some sort of self assessing template for these kind of cases. 

Your feet are not actually too badly placed, but we would still want the blue lines fully parallel. 

You can also notice that you habitually place your left foot ahead of the right. That's where the twisting starts. 

Knees are not too bad, it wouldn't take much to bring them back on the green line. 

The pelvis is certainly not only forward, but also pulled down at the front. The sacrum (green marker) is lifting up, Iliacs (blue marker at waist height) are going fwd and down. That's a rotation of pelvis. 


Then you got exactly the opposite rotation in your upper torso - ribcage. The yellow line (sternum) is the front of your ribcage and it's slant shows how the upper torso rotates - backwards at the top. 

These two movements are arching your spine that is articulated inbetween. You are shortening and narrowing your torso. Thoracolumbar fascia is slack, not transfering any load. 

We say that your mechanism is operating in sub-optimal working conditions. You are hurting yourself. 


To mitigate that, you would first want to learn how exactly the human mechanism operates. 

Once you have a concept of that, you would attempt to adjust the movements of the parts so you would end up in position of mechanical advantage.