Posture assessment: s2ming3ler12yor100le

Assessment request and image originals:

Posture assessment

Man, this is getting exciting. You have the closest postural habit to my own I have ever seen so far. I think I know exactly what is going on. 
Let me talk you through it: 

  • Feet are not in a correct position when standing. On the anterior view, they are clearly completely collapsed in. 
    The blue lines are the out steps, they should be parallel and not converging at the back. 
  • Ankles released, so are the knees
  • Iliacs (anterior superior iliac spine)  pulled forward and down. Sacrum lifted up. Pelvis is rotating counterclockwise as seen on the side view. 
  • Sternum (yellow line) inclined backwards at the top. That is parallel with the top part of the red curve. Your ribcage is between those two lines and it is rotated backwards at the top with a centre of rotation at your lumbar spine where your belt would be (L3 ish). As seen on the image, that would be clockwise rotation. 
  • The two antagonistic rotations of pelvis and ribcage is creating the arch in your lower back. This arch is referred to as "shortening of torso". Bad. 
  • Mechanism of your arms is pulled too much backwards and up. 
  • Neck is shortened. 
  • All the blue and white markers (ankles, knees, iliacs, bottom and top sternum) should be on the green plumb line. 

Now the juicy part comes with the front / back view. 

  • The black line is square to the plumb line so you can compare the differences in your shoulders. 
  • You are moving in such a way that you are creating sheering forces on your system. Stay with me. This is important. Make a simplified model of your body: lower torso - pelvis, upper torso - ribcage, and the head. What you do is that you pull each of these parts in the different directions, according to the the purple arrows. It's consistent through the anterior and the posterior view.
  • There is "twists" involved as well. I bet that if you would be to stand with your feet in front of mirror, feet equal distance from the mirror, and square. You would find that your illiacs are at a different distance from the mirror in front of you. There is horizontal rotation involved in your pelvis (and elsewhere too). 

All of this is fixable as I have personally done it (or let's say I mostly resolved).